Monday, September 5, 2011

Buying Toys and Educational Activities For Kids

Hi there! Welgee to my guide on buying toys and educational activities for kids.
Havinghad an in home daycare for the better part of 11 years, it has been my experience that toys can be addictive and much too expensive. Plus, kids may not like what is presented to them for more than 5 or 10 minutes.
What then, if one must spend money, are some of the things to keep in mind when purchasing?
Ifthe child you are purchasing toys for is under the age of 3, it is obviously important to consider the safety factor of small pieces. While many parents, grandparents, and caregivers get a kick out of giving little boys Hot Wheels and little girls Barbies, it may not be such a good idea if the child isone who craves things in his or her mouth. If an item can fit inside a 35 mm film cannister, it is probably better safe than sorry to avoid giving the item to a young child under the age of 3. Stacking nesting toys are great for the older infant/young toddler, blocks of any kind for the older toddler clear up through early elementary, and magnets fascinate the older preschooler.
Children all develop at different rates. Some 2 year olds are ready for coloring with markers and doing 30 piece puzzles. This, however, is rare, and needs to be taken into consideration when purchasing toys for kids. If a child is able to do puzzles, then consider different levels like Melissa

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