Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ganesha with Mouse

According to one interpretation, Ganesha's divine vehicle, the mouse or
mooshikam represents wisdom, talent and intelligence. It symbolizes
minute investigation of a cryptic subject. A mouse leads a clandestine
life below the ground. Thus it is also a symbol of ignorance that is
dominant in darkness and fears light and knowledge. As the vehicle ofLord Ganesha , a mouse teaches us to remain always on alert and
illuminate our inner-self with the light of knowledge.The figures are Indian iconographic images ofGanesha is also called Vinayak
(knowledgeable) or Vighneshwer (god to remove obstacles). He is worshipped, or
at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for
blessings and auspiciousness., as they are known in Indian mythology.SriGanesha has four hands. He carries a rope in one hand and an axe in
another. He holds a modak in one hand and blesses the devotees with the
other.While the axe is symbolic of severing the devotee's attachment
with wordly thing , the rope is used to pull him closer to the truth.
The modak is symbolic of the fruit of devotion.Ganesha Stone Sculptures

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