Thursday, December 22, 2011

Smoking and its affect on how your fragrance smells...

Yes. Nicotine is a psychoactive substance that changes your body chemistry and affects how long fragrances tend to last on your skin. Smoke has a distinct odor that is often so potent it overtakes your fragrance's scent. Smoke is especially susceptible to lingering on your clothes as fabrics absorb smoke. If you smoke, you'll also find that your sense of smell is duller, making your prone to overly applying your fragrance. You should make a smell test of a favorite fragrance on the inside of your wrists and then sniff test to see if the smell is not being overtaken by the smell of your smoke. Or better yet, have somebody smell the fragrance on your. Refrain from fruity florals as fruity florals and cigarettes are a recipe for a migraine. I would suggest trying fresh and clean smelling fragrances that have lemony notes in them. Lemony scent will cling onto the smoke infused piece of clothing and absorb it, leaving only the lemony scent to dominate.

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