Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guatemala is better

After visiting all the Central American countries (except Panama) I would say Guatemala is the only one I would go back to. Lots of indigenous culture there, beautiful mountain villages like Quetzaltenango and the Lago Atitlan area, surrounded by volcanos, hot springs, old colonial architecture and cobblestone streets. You can climb Volcan Pacaya and actually touch the lava (Arenal is nice in Costa Rica but you can only see it from a distance). Garifuna beach culture on the Caribbean side and some decent surf spots on the west. The ruins at Tikal are stunning. It has it all.

Costa Rica has some nice forests but it is overdeveloped, pricey and has no real culture, just poor people looking to imitate American lifestyle. Nicaragua same. Honduras ditto though decent diving in the Bay Islands.

Have you considered SE Asia? Its cheaper and much more exotic, also WAY safer. Im not the least bit timid or paranoid but you really have to watch yourself in CA whereas Asia you can relax and enjoy it more. Just a thought. I am sure you will have fun in either place.

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