Monday, July 26, 2010

Where shoud i study abroad japan or ?

Hi everybody, i am struggling with an important question for some time now, i hope some of you can help me out and give me some advice or good info. So, im very interested in japan i study japanese ( i already can speak but not fluently need more practise ) and i wanna go study in japan so much, i am 21 and now im university student second year in university in my country ( not usa ), my major right now is completely different from the major i wanna study in japan, and that;s why i can;t win a scholarship to go to japan, i wanna study a master degree in japan in software tech. etc. this field.. but since this problem occured, from the embassy told me that if i wanna win a scholarship and study master in japan i must go with the same major, but i dont want that, so the only way is to go with my own money , but the problem is I Dont have money ! at least not that much .. so my question is around how much money do i need for studing in japan ? we are talking 2 years of master right ? + all the living eating etc. all that around how much money ? and also, do you think studing in japan is better than studing in usa for example ? im not asking becouse im hesitating im only asking from curiousity. if there is a guy that already had such experience, i would love to hear some advices.. also if you know some way i can go there for less money or something like that please tell me ! thanks !|||I would love to answer, but I can hardly make out what you;re saying with proper punctuation absent.Please edit your question, as it will make it so much easier for us to read it, which will hopefully result in more answers for you.|||I agree with Enzo. Edit the question. It seems like a teenager wrote this as opposed to a university student. I am such help is on the way

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