Monday, July 26, 2010

Walking across the country, can I carry a gun in my backpack?

I am planning a 1500 mile walk across the US. I;m considering options for self defense and I was wondering if it would be illegal to carry a gun in my backpack in or out of a case. Would it make a difference if it were unloaded/disassembled?|||I;m guessing it;s legal as long as you don;t show it without having to fight. That i;m aware of, you can only take a pistol that;s not automatic. Once visible though, you have to be sure, are you using it for self defense or easy way to finish a fight that was never started ;)|||You need to check as the rules vary from one state to another. Most likely you will need a CCW as it will be a concealed weapon. If you do decide to carry it then in your backpack will be useless. If you need it in an emergency situation you need to be able to get at it quickly so get a proper holster and practice drawing it till you can do it in the dark. Also make sure it;s not to small in calibre. I could not recommend anything smaller than a 9mm you will not stop an angry bear with a .22LR. Be prepared to spend some range time with it before you depart and lear that it;s bullet placement that counts not bullet size or how many of them.Ian M

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