Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lebanon: it;s time to let the cat out of the bag!?

I;m engaged! :) .... well i;ve actually been engaged since the 20th of june so i suppose my accouncement is a tad delayed on yahoo (however a couple members from the category already knew earlier lol).Anyway does anybody else have any news?!|||nope my summer is boring|||yeeeee MABROOK hunny...wish you the best in your upcoming married life so have you decided on where you wana have your wedding?|||Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii… ,but , but ....You;re still a child ! lol Congrats ! I think ....|||You surprised me a little because you;re only 18 or 19. But who cares!! MABROOOOOK!! When is the marriage?

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