Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blu-ray Disc - The Reigning HD Format To Purchase

Blu-ray - A Quick Summary:

What is Blu-ray??? This is a new optical disc developed by members of the world's leading AV conglomorates in consumer electronics. It allows you to view true 1080P high-definition video which is stored on 50GB dual-layer Blue Ray Discs (BD). This is now the latest format to purchase since the HD-DVD format has been declared obsolete as of January 2008.Consumers and gepanies decided that BD was more beneficial than HD-DVD - possibly due to it's higher storage capacity (50G vs. 30G on dual layer disc). Most of the studios that abandoned the HD-DVD format was a large deciding factor to stop production. Warner Bros. played a big role when they left the HD-DVD format - also I think Disney played a big factor because they are the second largest media

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