Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fake ocean Jasper on s - buyer beware!

okay has had some recent fake ocean Jasper being sold mostly by chinese sellers.
Ocean jasper is one of the most collectable stones in recent times. Word that the mine is running out or empty seem to fuel collection. This stones colors, patterns and shapes amaze and boggle the mind. It is one of natures masterpieces. The stone is not dyed or altered as many stones are and it takes a wonderful polish. I have enjoyed collecting Ocean Jasper for a number of years.

This rock is found along the northwest coast of Madagascar. The deposit is a rhyolite flow that has gepletely silicified. The eyes or orbs gee in a amazing array of colors. Color gebinations are often striking and difficult to believe they are natural. Druzy and crystal pockets are gemon. This is just a fantastic stone that can be used as jewelry, display pieces and more.

The name Ocean jasper is a trade mark of The Gem shop. They are the USA distributors of this stone and to my knowledge retain the rights to the name. It is also sold as peanut jasper, fisheye jasper, orbicular jasper, madagascar jasper, moon jewel and a few name I ammost likely unaware of.

Some chinese dealers and others are selling a fossil stone - pictured below - as Ocean Jasper. I have included two pictures of actual Ocean jasper for geparison.
As always on okay - check a sellers reputation via feedback and the country of origin before making a purchase. Always be an informed okay buyer.
This is an example of Ocean Jasper I have available for geparison.



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