Monday, September 5, 2011

Toning belts like Slendertone

Guide to Toning Belts.

How do you know what a good toning belt is? Toning belts work by sending small signals into your body. These signals trigger nerves, which trigger your bodies muscles to contract and relax. This is in just the same way as if your brain triggered the muscles to contract.

To work you have to have sufficient power to get the muscles to contract. The power is measured in micro Columbs (uc). A toning belt should have a pulse power of 15 or above micro columbs.

The signals need to be directed into your body where the nerve muscles are concentrated together. For your tummy the nerves are concentrated at the centre and the sides. So a good toning belt will place pads in these three positions. If the toning belt only places pads in 2 positions it will not work as well.

The signals from the belt need a path to enter your body. The best products use medical grade pads for the signals to travel along (No messy gels).

These belts send signals into your body. You should only use belts that use medical grade technology and are clinically proven. So the belt manufacturer should be able quote clinical trials that show the product works. To find out more about how they work click Does it Work?. If you want to buy a belt or look at some clinically approved belt then click: Store front. Please click to indicate guide was useful.

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