Friday, September 9, 2011


The # 1 question I get from clients and shoppers alike is "Is it real?" The it they are talking about is haunted, charmed or blessed jewelry, jewelry that falls under the broader category of Energetic Jewelry. I can't say yes or no to this question but we can have a conversation about the concept of haunted items and in this conversation I think you will gee to a better understanding of what an energetic piece is and what it is not.
First I can say that no piece of jewelry no matter the energy that it carries, holds, captures or emits, can harm you in any way. No piece of jewelry no matter the energy that it carries, holds, captures or emits, can cure you either. Now that may seem controversial but I stand behind it. Jewelry is jewelry, something used for adornment, sometimes universally symbolic such as engagement rings, wedding bands, crosses. Other times it may be personally symbolic, a school ring, a championship ring, a 100% attendance pin.
Without any other energy being attached to these kinds of pieces they have a great affect on you. I remember receiving a lapel pin, a goldtone dollar sign, early on in my professional career in sales and marketing. The pin was given to me at an exclusive after meeting dinner event during a trade show in Las Vegas. The presentation was simple, a man walked across the room and stood in front of me and while everyone there watched he took the pin off his lapel and pinned it onto my blouse. He never said a word, he just smiled and the party went on. From that moment on I was transformed in my professional life ~ the people in that room who witnessed this knew they had witnessed something big. You see the man was the President of a large corporation, I was the inside administrator in a gepany that represented his products on the East Coast. The gepany I worked for was small and insignificant in the overall scheme of business. But I had done something, I had gone beyond the norm to produce articles, publicity, manuals and special promotions for his products and so I had received the coveted invite to the dinner and now I was pinned, by the President's own pin, a pin worn by those few who had earned their way into the President's Performers Club.
Who I became that day was a new person. From that point on other people in the industry saw me differently, they experienced me differently. Whenever I showed up to a meeting wearing this pin some folks would recognize it and the whispers would begin. People I did not know walked up to me, introduced themselves to me, offered their assistance to me, and asked my opinion and sometimes for my help. It was amazing.
This pin, although made only as a decorative piece of jewelry, costume promotional jewelry, not 14k gold, not even gold plated, was one of the strongest energetic pieces I have ever worn. This pin represented something extraordinary to masses of people, literally hundreds in my field, and as I wore it during some of my most successful trainings and seminars, it took on more and more significant energies over time. And this is the concept of an energetic piece.
When you see listings on okay and other places for haunted items, you are always looking at an energetic piece but you may be looking at a magickal piece, a charmed piece, a blessed piece. The distinctions aren't clear for all. Fundamentally they are: magickal haunted pieces were made by or belonged to folks who practiced the art of magick or were in the craft, some form of witchcraft. Don't let the idea of witchcraft frighten you - today witchcraft is a government recognized religious group that has the same no-tax status of other religions. It took many years and much blood, sweat, tears and prayers for this to be acgeplished, so kudos to all those who paved the way for religious freedom.
Haunted pieces are said to carry some of the energy, perhaps even part of the spirit, of the person who made it or owned it. Strong personal energy can and does imbue itself onto and into its surroundings including jewelry, clothes, and other belongings. This does not mean the new owner will be a witch, will inherit or gain any extraordinary talents or powers that the prior owner had, will be haunted or bothered by the piece or anything like that. What it does mean is that the piece carries a vibration that is so constant and strong that people who are not in the craft can benefit from the energy without having to be part of the craft. In other words, a ring from a witch, a healer, a shaman, or other person of focused power, will carry its energy with it and the new owner will benefit from that energy. How they benefit is varied, depending on their own personal energies and how much they know about how to work with the energy in the piece.
Charmed pieces are pieces that have been intentionally designed and / or treated to carry a specific energy. Whereas the haunted piece is carrying the overall impression and power energy of the prior person, charmed pieces are made to carry specific types of energy. The type can be almost anything, from a lucky charm to one to attract a lover, for money, for wealth, to heal, to ward off evil, and so on.
A blessed piece is probably the most recognized kind of energetic. My first gemunion cross is one of my dearest blessed pieces (for those who have read Energetic Jewelry you see the photo and yes, it's lost to me.) You can take any piece of jewlery and have it blessed, and wearing jewelry on you when being blessed also energizes the piece. I used to go to the blessing of the animals at St John the Divine in NYC and often wore multiple pieces of jewelry so that they would carry this wonderful energy of the blessings and love between man and our animal friends. Now I wear a sterling silver bracelet with red string from Israel ~ and I wear it on my left wrist. This piece is blessed and it is symbolic.
All these kinds of energetics are meant to serve you, we are not meant to serve them. Part of their energy is inherent in the materials they are made of, from wood to metal, plastic to clay. Part of it gees from the design, crosses, circles, spheres, all carry specific vibrations. Some is symbolic which may change over time. The supporting materials also make a difference, gems, stones, rocks, minerals, crystals as does color. Rings are the most intimate of all pieces, and usually are the most intense energies. Bracelets are wonderful and the nice thing about them is that they can be worn on right or left side in most cases and this too affects the energy. Right side bridges the energy flow between you and the outter world; left side protects the energy flow between you and inner world. For instance if wearing a ring or bracelet that is meant for healing work, you would wear on right side when engaged in healing work with others, on the left side if you are feeling down or in need of a healing for yourself.
Plastic and wood are valued as energetic pieces. Now that may have surprised you. There's a great history on gypsy pieces, where the gypsies hid their gold and used fake gold and plastics to wear so that they would not be robbed or have their valuables taken by authorities as they traveled between towns and villages. Over time it is said that their fake pieces became more powerful than the hidden treasures and soon they were known for their good luck coin bracelets, belts, skirts and hair dressings. I have a few gypsy pieces as my maternal great grandmother was from Spain, full gypsy blood line.
Wood is a great medium for these kinds of pieces as it is the one elemental that is alive - fire, air, waterare not the same. Of these four only wood occurs in our world where it grows and can die. This makes wood a great material to hold and grow energy over time, even when it has been taken from its roots and fashioned into jewelry or art.
Plastic is nice because it can only hold a single kind of energy, and cannot interact with other pieces. This makes it a great medium for first energetic pieces, for jewelry that can be worn often and mixed with other items, and for beginners pieces when one is learning to charge an item and create an energetic piece.
So this is my best nswer to "Is it real"?The jewelry is real. The energy is real.And you are real. As real as reality can be in a world where anything is possible and new possibilities are being created moment to moment. I hope that this conversation helped you a bit, that in some small way gives you a context for thinking about haunted charmed energetic pieces. More than adornment, jewelry can be a part of your everyday life in a way that can support you in thriving in your own life, something I am gemitted to offering to as many folks as I can.
In light, Jaye

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